Wednesday, March 21, 2007

World Down Syndrome Day

Hola, today is World Down Syndrome Day. March 21, 3/21, Trisomy 21, get it?

Gifts: Mothers Reflect on How Children with Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives. I have an essay in there, and the above photos are of the other contributors and their children. There's also a blog.

Edited to add credit where it's due: Rebecca created the lovely photo montage.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful post, I love the newest photo, where has the time gone? She is looking like such a big girl now.

Happy World Down Syndrome Day to you.

Sarahlynn said...

Rebecca, sorry I left off the credit at first! It's corrected now.

Ellie is, shockingly, looking very grown up to me all of a sudden too. The photo was taken at my parents' house last weekend. I can't believe how fast your Miss E is growing too! Her lovely hair!

Anonymous said...

That big girl in the photo is adorable, but why didn't you post one of little Ellie?? ;)

Thanks for the reminder. The link's great.


Beachcomber said...

Ellie is such a beautiful girl. I can't believe how grown up she looks in that photo. It shocks me a bit.

Sarahlynn said...

Amazon and Beach, I feel the same way! Sometimes I look at her and can't believe that she's my little baby Ellie, all grown up. In my current sleep-deprived state, I sometimes have a disjunction where I expect there to be a third child in my house: the two I've got plus the newly-toddling Ellie. Then I shake my head and everything settles, bewilderingly, into place.

Krupskaya said...

I don't know if it's the same middle names, or what, but every picture I see of Ellie reminds me of Maia. It's something in the face, but I don't know what. Ellie looks so confident in all the pictures you put up -- maybe that's it.

Maia saw this photo and said, "That's a cute picture. Can we visit her someday?" :)

Sarahlynn said...

You can come visit her anyday! We'd love to have you. Perhaps some spring or fall day when you're having snow and we're having 80 degree weather . . .