Ellie enjoyed much of the 7-hour trip to my parents' house in the "cool car,"* and Ada did remarkably well too. Both girls slept wonderfully while we were there, which was critical given that we all shared a (very large) bedroom.
For the trip, I made Ellie a map with a picture of Map (Backpack's friend from Dora the Explorer, dig?) in one corner and our route marked with actual photos of sights we'd see along the way (the St. Louis Arch, the Exxon Refinery at Joliet, etc.). It is pretty cool, if I do say so myself.
*Funny story. Paul took Ellie to school in the Passat Monday, and they parked behind a blue Honda Odyssey that was probably a few years old. As she got out of the car, Ellie looked at the nearby minivan and said, "Cool car." Hilarious.
But back to the babies.
My sister, a stressed out first time mother, tends to talk about how fussy her baby is, and how she never sleeps. I didn't find this to be true, in my limited acquaintance with my niece. I think a lot of it is perception. Being a second time mom is so much nicer. It is true that Arria is a little harder to soothe than Ada, mostly because you have to be more energetic and creative.
Ada likes to be walked about while being patted on the back, or nursing. Arria gets bored of nearly anything after a few minutes, so the soother must have another creative and vigorous trick up her sleeve at all times. And she doesn't like to sleep on her own, which can be a bit suffocating. No pun intended, gasp.
Arria's adorable, and looks so very different from her cousin! Ada, who is of course absolute perfection, looks like my dad - everyone agrees. Except when she looks like a baby picture of my mother's. She gets her height and feet from Paul's mom, but the rest of her is my family. Arria, on the other hand, doesn't look like anybody. She has my sister's lips, which are full and adorable. And she has an amazing nose that turns straight up. Too cute.
OK, I've gotta go pump (and sleep!) but I wanted to include a picture of the two newborn cousins together. Ada's on the left, wearing one of her favorite expressions. Ditto for Arria, on the right.
TOO CUTE! I can't wait to add the third A Cousin to the mix!
I really like the map idea! You are always very creative.
Just stopping by to wish you a happy World Down Syndrome Day.
Rob, me too! And thanks for the compliment. Paul already has plans for Map 2.0, involving a cut out picture of our car that will move along the route . . . I'm envisioning little magnetic stops she can insert like for food, playground stops, etc.
SK, exactly! I can't believe I charted all those feedings and diaper changings for months with Ellie!
Thanks, Rebecca. Right back atcha!
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