So I'm not working anymore. But Paul's got a new job with a higher salary, so that only puts us about $3000 behind annually. Our expenses are higher now, with two kids, and Paul was between jobs - unpaid - for a couple of weeks. But we'd be fine.
A couple of wee glitches have presented themselves.
1) Termites are eating our house, which is a combination of brick (yay!) and real wood siding (gasp). MoneyMoney.
2) Apparently, my company didn't stop paying me when they should have. Yes, I should have squirreled that money away instead of drinking it at Starbucks. But I didn't and now they want it back. Working it off is not an option. MoneyMoneyMoney.
3) Yesterday, our freezer decided to stop freezing and our dryer has gradually become less interested in drying. We have a lot of slushy foods and damp clothes around here. It's hard for me to be too upset: our frig is dark brown and our washer and dryer are similarly aged; we acquired both from the previous owners when we bought this house. Still, MoneyMoney.
When it doesn't rain, it sandstorms. Or something.
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help u...
5 days ago
Money seems to always be in high demand when you have no surplus. I hope things work out ok, soggy food and clothing just doesn't work, and I'm sure your termites won't like those items as a sustainable food source.
I'm still out looking for a magic wand. If I ever find one I will be sure to let you know. :)
What ever happened to The Secret? I thought that we weren't worrying about money anymore because we already thought we had plenty of it.
People die in threes and in my experience, so do appliances. And of course they do it when you have a baby in the house and no extra money. I have sooooo been there that even though this is so not funny for you, I am kinda smirking because this is the stuff of comedy in a few years. So take that away with you.
When we first moved into our house, days after I gave birth to son #2 almost six years ago, we got three bad out of the box appliances. A dryer that didn't dry, a lawnmower that didn't mow, and a refrigerator that couldn't chill below 68 degrees. Brand new stuff, all of it! The second refrigerator ALSO didn't chill below 68 degrees, and Sears wanted to keep sending someone out to "fix it." So the third refrige was a different model, after two weeks of living out of a cooler. With a newborn in the house. When my husband went to return the first bad lawn mower, he got so agitated about all of it that the general manager threatened to have him removed. Suffice it to say, I never, ever set foot in that store.
So now six years later... my microwave and wall air conditioner just died in the same week, I'm waiting with baited breath to see what goes next. I'm saying the range... hubby thinks it will be the fridge again. At least there's no baby in the house this time. :)
Thanks, Rebecca. And good luck with that!
Paul, that's another post . . .
Deb, so true! A few years ago, while I was in the hospital having Ellie, the washing machine died and the basement flooded - and not with clean water, either. When we came home, the dishwasher broke. Even at the time, that's funny!
We'll be fine this time too; it's just funny how these things happen in clumps, and not necessarily at the best possible times. Did I mention that we're going to Scotland in a couple of weeks? Gulp.
time for those girls to get jobs!!!!
Baby/toddler modeling anyone?
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