Today, we introduced Adelaide to solid food.
By we, I mean Eleanor.
And by solid food, I mean peanut butter Ritz cracker sandwiches.
Our therapist, who made her weekly house call shortly after this incident, suggested that we should follow up with a strawberry for dessert.
I decided that some botulant honey would be a lovely chaser.
Yesterday's installment of Kill Baby Ada With Love involved a secret wounding when I stepped out of the room for a moment. When I popped my head back in to see what the screaming was about, Ellie was sitting sweetly next to the baby, offering her a rattle and assuring her that she was OK. When I asked if she had been the one to hurt Ada, Ellie cried and apologized, then told me that Ada was happy, she was happy, I was happy, daddy was happy, grandpa was happy, and grandma was happy.
Indeed, we are. All very happy.
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1 week ago
Oh, yes; I know the kill the baby with love routine. I am often amazed at just how much love NSBH shows Nonami.
She's the one who fed him a strawberry many months ago.
Forgot to add: NSBH doesn't say we're happy. When you ask why or what she says, "because I'm very sorry"
Sounds like a lovely solid food introduction, tee hee. The "killing the baby with kindness" routine is something we were also familiar with. My job is to try not to jump to conclusions every time A cries assuming E has hurt her. THAT is a challenge! Sometimes he has, but sometimes it's just because she's peeved at him for something. I don't want to make him resentful of her by always assuming he's doing something wrong.
Seasonal, as the oldest daughter in my own family, I am with E on that! I well remember my younger sister bursting into tears when my parents arrived home, tattling on me, when previously she had been just fine. Grrr.
CCW, that's adorable. In a funny and slightly frustrating way, I'm sure.
Oh me, three on the burst into tears get oldest kid in trouble routine!
I take it Addie survived the pb&ritz just fine, though. Phew.
I just wanted to say that I stumbled upon your blog and really enjoy it. I have a 2.9 yo son (Leo) with DS and am expecting baby #2 (who we plan on naming Eleanor, or Ellie, after my late mother) in July. I have really enjoyed your window into the life of having two, one with DS. Loved the story about Ellie trying to feed the little one solids. Sounds like something Leo would do! All the best to you.
On Trystan's second day home (day after Easter), I found a single jelly bean tucked into his blanket, presumably by his big sister who had been snacking on some of her easter candy. At least she didn't try putting it in his mouth (or he didn't cooperate).
Now if I could only get her to understand that she shouldn't cram the pacifier into his mouth, or poke at his face while he's trying to nurse...
In other words, I'm right there with you in trying to allow the big sys to love her sibling, while keeping her from killing the baby at the same time...
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