In my fantasy world, someone will drop a pile of money in my lap and say, "Here! I insist that you use this to build that home office you've been wanting."
Because in my dream world, the computer isn't stuck in the guest room, rendering it inaccessible when we have company staying with us.
Neither is the computer sitting on the kitchen table, as it did for about a year after Ellie's nursery rendered my office obsolete.
And I can have a room with a door, a large computer desk, file drawers, and horizontal surfaces upon which to place my beloved piles. I am a pile person and I like to be a relatively neat person, two traits that are incompatible when aligned with my mother-of-a-toddler persona. What could possibly be more fun than removing papers from the top of the coffee table? Apparently, very little.
Where is the Big Pile of Money fairy? The only fairy I've seen around lately is the Big Pile of Dept fairy, who pays us regular visits. We don't discourage her company, though, because we have a really cool basement bathroom and neato retaining walls to show for it. We do wish that this fairy twosome would work in tandem, though.
Anyway, I'm here again!
And it was lovely having my mom in for the weekend. We went to The Magic House and The City Museum. The Magic House is exactly what it claims to be, and The City Museum is the sort of place that I can't believe really exists. I mean, who would insure them? Who would let their kids climb around that death trap? The City Museum is the sort of place that should be required for all children, but is all too often discouraged in favor of safe activities.
And on Sunday we spent a fun afternoon with Paul's high school best friend and his wife.
So, I'm full of excuses, but the truth is that mostly I've been watching the Olympics. I'm glued to the tube! But I'm two days behind, so don't tell me what happened.
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
Happy pub day to debut author Alexis Barber on her game-changing guided
journal! TOO SMART FOR THIS uses weekly deep dives and quarterly resets to
help u...
2 days ago
Welcome back!
If I every find the Big Pile of Money fairy, I'll send her your way. Having an office isn't a big extravagance, you would think she would be down with something so practical.
Oh my, if you ever do find the pile of money fairy please send her to Michigan when you are through with her, we could really use her too :)
The Olympics-hey what about those amazing skaters? Ouch, did they seem to end up hurt time and time again.
Happy to hear you shared some quality time with you mom.
Glad to see you back again, it's been awhile since a post.
Hey Sarahlynn,
I'm sure that if you needed a weekend of basement help, Anny and I could be talked into a trip!
Just something to think about.
(I've been wanting to post for a while, and it's finally a topic that I can chime in on!!)
Rob: So, when are you guys coming? I could use some help putting together Ellie's swing set, too. ;) We've got oodles of half finished projects to work on!
Thank you, coffeegrrl!
RNP, you bet! I will totally send that fairy your way; you deserve it.
Rob, oh, that'd be great! I mean, we'd LOVE to see you and Anny this spring. And also we'd love it if you could play with Ellie for a while, maybe take her to the park or The Magic House so that we can work on some things around the house. I hope we can find some cheap tickets and good dates for you to come; this'd be great!
You know, I've commented on your new blog a couple of times, but you have been quarentining my comments . . . I swear they're not contagious!
I forgot to say how cool it was to run into you and yours at The City Museum, Coffeegrrl!
It was great to see you too! I hope that your mom wasn't too overwhelmed by all The City Museum craziness. Thalia just took it all in from her Kangaroo Kids sling/perch. I'm tired since we had over 20 out of town guests come for The City Museum Extravaganza Fest.
My mom loved The City Museum. She couldn't believe it was what is is, but she kept saying that my sisters (and their husband/fiances) needed to visit that place right away.
Thalia was a real trooper! I can't believe that it's only a few short months until she'll probably be wanting to toddle all around.
Did all 20 of your guests stay at your place?!
Oh no, that would be a little much for our tiny apartment! (Although we did house two more adults, a two year-old and a 5 month old baby for a night!) Our friend Lloyd organizes a hotel stay at the Drury Inn Union Station and our family stays down there too so we can act like tourists in our own city. We had enough hotel rooms to get a group discount and a large conference room to hang out in. Everyone is welcome, so please let me know if your family and friends are interested in attending next year! It's fun.
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