1) Thank you to PPB, Ciara, BelovedLife, Hybrid, Jessica, and Redhead Editor! I hope that you all had wonderful holidays, and that your new year has started off with much rest and relaxation.
2) While I was away, we passed the 25,000 visitor mark with Sitemeter. Yay! And thank you!
3) Jessica, with the travel and an awful flu, well, I missed it. Again. But come June I'm all over your "birthday!" I am so sorry.
4) The last 36 hours have been amazing. Paul and I have had so much fun. I'll write it up later this week.
5) In the meantime, here's a Christmas picture of Ellie on her Grandpa's rocking horse.
6) Narnia.
Paul and I saw The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe last night. I thought it was wonderful. They were quite faithful to the spirit of the story (as I remember it; it's been a long time).
Some of the changes from the original were very welcome, like dropping the "when women fight" part from the rather heavy "war is terrible" message. And, oh, did they make that point well. Every battle, every death, though none was shown explicitly on screen, was a little tragedy. As it should be whenever anyone dies. Good or evil, about to kill you or not, a life is a life, and it's a tragedy when it ends.
One interesting feminist note about Aslan on the stone table. Of course I've always gotten the bit about shaving Aslan to make him appear more vulnerable, weaker, less. Figuratively, shaving him emasculated him. In the movie, they didn't shave the lion bald. They merely cut off his mane, and a male lion without a mane looks like . . . a female lion. So they literally emasculated him as well. That's a rather disturbing read on the story, but I don't think that Lewis the Apologist would have minded it too much.
Sarahlynn, after the party you threw for me last year, please do not apologize for my ill-timed birthday - I'm glad you are feeling better!
We actually saw three movies this holiday - Narnia, Geisha and Kong (I wrote about Narnia and Geisha). I, too, liked Narnia a lot.
P.S. - Somehow, Ellie got mentioned between me and Scott the other day and he said, "I miss her."
Happy New Year!
I have not seen a movie in a theater in so long that I am not sure I would know how to act. Can't wait to see "Narnia". We have been working our way through all of the books with Kid L.
I agree, shaving him bald or cutting off his mane serves the same purpose. However, I don't know how they could leave it out since it is such a climatic part of the book. Somehow I don't think that emasuclating men being a huge insult will go away in my lifetime.
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