Last week, I had so many things to blog that I was restraining myself from blogging twice a day or more. Now I can actually get to my computer again, after nearly a week away, and I've got nothing.
Well, not quite nothing. I've got bloggy happiness to report. Paul decided that this whole computer-in-the-guestroom thing isn't working out much better than the computer-on-the-kitchen-table thing (which I also disliked, though for somewhat different reasons). So he decided to buy me a new computer! A laptop! And a new desk upon which to keep it, something simple that will look OK in the front room, against the windows that invite beautiful, glorious sunlight into our home every afternoon.
I am ecstatic! I'm a little confused about why "my" new computer needs a dual DVD burner, but I'm not looking this gift horse in the mouth and I'll try to look the other way whenever he borrows it. As long as he doesn't clutter my desktop with icons. One column is plenty, people! That's why folders were invented!
Actually, we had a very nice week and weekend. And it's also nice to be home alone again. Ellie went down quickly and easily tonight, and then Paul and I celebrated our first quiet evening in a long time by watching TV. Sadly, we're still about two weeks behind on most of our shows, but we're staying just ahead of the TiVo auto-delete (as our hard drive fills) and plan to finish April sweeps before fall premiers.
The APO Alumni Banquet was lovely last night, and the 12-year-old babysitter did wonderfully with Ellie. She even had time to study for today's math test, after Ellie went to sleep.
"What kind of math are you taking?" I asked. Then a slow suspicion began to grow in my mind.
"Oh, it's not my best subject right now. We're learning to multiply and divide fractions and decimals."
Yes, that is hard. But when I first asked the question, it hadn't occurred to me that she is only in 6th grade and therefore not in a math class that has a specific name yet. Presumably, pre-algebra doesn't even start until next year. Wow. But she's awesome and Ellie loves her.
Everything else is fun and lovely and wonderful, and hardly worth mentioning now. I'm so excited to be heading off to bed soon! But first I will mention that Ellie's "choir" will be "performing" in church next Sunday. Oh, yes. The 18- to 35-month olds will be making a joyful noise to the Lord.
We hope. Because if they don't, it will just be the moms/dads/grandmas/grandpas who usually accompany the kids to class who will be carrying the tune. And, especially in my case, this is not a lovely sound at all. Luckily for everyone, I don't video or audio blog! Sleep well.
New Release Spotlight: Jamie Ogle
Once she denied everything she believed in. Now she’d give anything to
choose differently. But in the shadow of the Roman Empire’s persecution and
the sh...
1 week ago
Sarahlynn, this 12 year old math student could be the very thing that breaks my husband's heart. I hope Ellie still has room in her schedule for him.
"multiply and divide fractions" <== I broke into a sweat when I read that, arg, flashback of the horror of learning that
So glad to hear that you're getting a new computer! It's always a good thing, even if Paul "sneaks" a DVD burner on it.
I'm totally with you on the desktop thing. One person I work with has NO space left on her desktop because she has so much old stuff on there. (Including folders as far back as 2004 Presbytery Meetings! Scary.)
Definitely going to need details on the new computer. Pictures, even.
Whee, congrats.
Oh, that sixth grader could have been taking pre-Algebra or even Algebra, if her school did placement by ability rather than just grade level. But all the sixth graders I know that were bumped all the way to Algebra did struggle mightily.
And when they were taking Algebra II as eighth graders, a teacher had to be imported from the high school and only came a couple of times a week, leaving a bunch of 13- and 14-year-olds sitting by themselves in the classroom the rest of the week. Not the best situation...
A laptop is a wonderful thing. Not too big, and when you want a nice clean desktop, it's easy to manage. My "desk" is also my sewing table, so not having heavy hardware on it is a good thing. Also, it's much harder for anyone to take apart and "upgrade" the hardware on a laptop--so no new surprises every time you turn it on (or, attempt to turn it on). Also lovely if you travel anywhere (blog on the road...) :)
Enjoy the new toy, and the desk-with-a-view!
Love my laptop, no desk though. I hope you love yours just as much. I'm glad you've found a babysitter you like. That's hard to do.
dual LAYER DVD burner... [roll eyes]
No laptop for you!
Though dual DVD burners would be cool, too.
And here are the specs.
Jessica, Ellie will always have room - in her heart and in her schedule - for both you and Scott! And so do we!
Jim, I know, it takes you way back, doesn't it? I was tutoring a 4th grader once and she was doing long division. I had this moment of sheer panic when I wondered what those "R"s were for and thought I'd forgotten about Remainders. Fortunately, it all comes back . . .
Rob, that's it exactly! I have one coworker who only makes folders when her desktop is *full*. And they're called "Desktop," "Desktop2" etc.
Mike, pictures will surely be coming soon!
Camera, that really does sound less than ideal!
PPB, given today's rehearsal, my guess is that it will be be mostly mommies singing and babies clapping, stamping, patting, and waving along. But that's cute too. :)
Kristi, that's a very good point! (About the surprise upgrades.) I still haven't quite adjusted to giving up my office to Ellie, but I think this will be a nice solution for a while.
Amanda, the hardest thing for me will be learning to *use* the thing! I always end up looking like Quasimodo when I try to type on a laptop and I hit the wrong keys all the time. I'm thinking that having one as my primary computer will force me to improve my skills.
Paul, whatever! :)
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