I don't think this will be too difficult in a few years. Sure, a lot of it will stay the same. Ellie is already sure of what she wants and when, so that part is not likely to change much. We already have a busy schedule and drive hither and yon all day. There are other things to worry about with older children, of course, but I'll be worrying about them regardless of whether or not Paul's home.
And let's be honest. Dealing with issues like Transition to the School District and IEP and Service Coordination isn't exactly relaxing.
But in a few years, my child will be able to dress herself, to get herself a drink and a snack, to not need me to get up with her every time she needs to potty . . . and sit with her reading books and singing songs for however long that takes.
I love the alone time together. I love doing stuff and talking and sharing experiences. But the increasing self-sufficiency is awesome.
On a related note, in response to everyone who said, "Be careful what you wish for" with the walking, well, Ellie's been walking all over the place for months now. And it's better than I dared hope. I have never, ever, not even once wished to have her weak-legged again.
Not when she's walking off the mark at the photographer's over and over again, not when she plops down in goose poop in the school parking lot, and certainly not when she runs down the driveway, stopping right at the edge of the street, then leans out a little further and shouts, "No!"
Other amusing Ellie anecdotes.
On our way to this morning's playdate, Ellie's one toy to take with us in the car was Backpack. On our way to tonight's dinner out with friends, her one toy was a paper grocery bag from Whole Foods.
Ellie is so empathetic. She doesn't like to be left alone at the table to eat (which occasionally happens, like when I'm still cooking the side dishes or pouring drinks). She assumes that Lizzi must feel the same way, so she likes to sit on the floor right beside Lizzi while Lizzi's eating her dinner. Sometimes she reaches out to touch her gently. Fortunately, Lizzi doesn't mind this from Ellie. Priceless.
I wish I'd taken a picture of that, and one of Ellie looking melancholily and contemplatively out the car window while listening to Simon & Garfunkel this evening. I would have given anything to know what she was thinking.
Hey! Paul will be home soon!
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