2024 Starred Reviews!
🌟🌟2024 Starred Reviews🌟🌟for our Full Circle Literary books!
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1 week ago
Life, the universe, and motherhood according to me. I'm a feminist, a liberal, a Presbyterian, and mom to three amazing young children, one with Down syndrome. All that is reflected here, along with whatever I might be feeling at the moment (quite often, it will be exhaustion).
Are those with the toy camera or the real camera? Either way - these are great!
The real camera. It takes better pictures, and Ada, well . . .
these are wonderful. i especially love that you can see her in the reflection of the fireplace
She took a few versions of that one, so I think it was intentional. So cool! It's like when babies start walking, then again when they're really talking. I love each new way the children learn to express themselves and their points of view.
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