From our house to The Magic House:
2024 Starred Reviews!
🌟🌟2024 Starred Reviews🌟🌟for our Full Circle Literary books!
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year round.
4 days ago
I love their matching dresses! Oh my goodness they are so cute! We're avoiding the MH until construction is complete. I have high hopes for the new addition. :)
Tracey, we were doing the same, all last year. And then it became summer. And it's hot! And I'm home with two girls, both of whom are both independently mobile now . . . and suddenly The Magic House sounds like a lot more fun than it used to! (battered old exhibits and all)
But I am really really looking forward to the expansion.
Gorgeous photos of your little beauties.
Can we make a request for a place to stop next month.....??!!!
Thanks, Somebody's Mama!
Rob, oh, yes! My girls wouldn't want to miss taking their cousin to this favorite play spot.
I like the matching dresses, plus the smock that matches the piano!
Me too, me too! I've always loved dressing like my sisters. I even bought matching dresses for middlesis and myself for littlesis's wedding. (She didn't care what her "bridesmaids" wore.) So until my girls tell me that they hate the idea, I will periodically dress them alike. :)
As for the smock, I think what I love about it is that Ellie chose the chef/prison outfit over the shiny gold number you can see in the background. She's not a princess girl. :)
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