So, on to what Disney does right. And wrong.
What Disney does right:
- They make it easy. They're happy to send you a free vacation planning DVD (or 3) and their website has more than you could ever need to know to plan a vacation.
- Plus, you can book your whole trip (airfare, park tickets, hotel, dining plan, add-ons) from the website or with a phone call, if you prefer the human contact.
- If you go the phone route, you can add on all your entertainment and meal reservations too.
- When you check in at the airport, relax. Disney will pick you up at the Orlando airport and take you by bus to your resort. When you check in at your resort, you'll get a room key that's also your "Key to the World" (theme park pass) so you can go out and start enjoying life immediately. When you return to your room, your checked luggage (which Disney picked up for you at the airport while you were busy relaxing) will be waiting in your room.
- Free and easy transportation to everywhere in "The World" during your stay.
- Your room key is all you need: to get into your hotel, to get into the theme parks, to use your meal plan, to buy food, to shop for souvenirs and have them sent back to your hotel room, etc. Just one card. And the fingerprint scanner thing at the park entrances is pretty cool.
- When it's time to leave, it couldn't be easier. You can check in with your airline right at your resort, including checking your bags. Then go enjoy your last day at Disney, and a bus will pick you up to take you back to the airport before your flight. You go straight to security and your luggage will magically arrive with you at your destination.
- After you book your package, Disney will send you little pieces of mail before your trip. They send mailings separately, so that you can have a pleasant surprise when you open your mailbox from time to time. (Oh look! Our luggage tags are here!).
- Plus, each mailing comes with a reminder of the great goods and services you've purchased, so by the time your trip rolls around, you're feeling like the smartest gal on the planet for buying the trip.
- The theming is amazing. No one does theming like Disney. Some of the resorts and attractions are just unbelievably cool. I've waited in a line without realizing it before, because the line part was so neat.
But as a frequent Disney traveler, I must say that they're not doing everything right lately, and I'm not talking politics here.
- What the heck is up with Fantasyland? I know it's the original part of the park and all, but please! It needs some serious updates. Like more stroller parking or more space between attractions and some serious line redesign. How is it possible that the only lines boringly styled like 6 Flags or carnival lines are at the rides intended for very young children? Lame.
- Service has gone downhill. When I went to Disney as a kid, I'd never seen a place so clean in all my life. Everytime someone dropped a piece of trash (bad, people!) a Disney "cast member" was there to pick it up almost before it hit the ground. No so anymore!
- Also, the level of investment from the "cast members" has fallen off steeply. I don't know how Disney managed to get and keep such satisfied employees for so long, but they've apparently lost the knack. This trip, most of the cast members we encountered were just like employees anywhere else. For the first time ever at Disney, I got, "I don't know," as a answer, and more than once.
Disney 2005

Disney 2006, with proof that I'm pregnant and Ellie grows like a weed.
It's true! Disney has changed. Ever since 9/11 2001 when people stopped traveling as much, Disney had to make cutbacks. I don't think they've ever recovered.
Thanks for sharing your perspective - You are so witty!
Love your review. Kid L has been begging us to go for years.
The pictures are great! Ellie is a doll and you look wonderful.
You both look GREAT...and Ellie is adorable! I'm not sure that I have ever posted on your blog before, but I have been a "lurker" for awhile. I have a daughter about Ellie's age. I love to see our girls going through similar stages together! Anyway, just wanted to say "hi"...come visit my blog someday:).
Ariane, thanks! And welcome! I don't know if I buy that it's 9/11 related; though. Crowds are still intense at Disney, and travel has definitely picked back up. Plus, I noticed a huge difference in the level of service between last year and this year, which shouldn't be 9/11 related. I wonder what is the cause, though . . .
CCW, Kid L is at a great age. She'd love Disney. Of course, I think that every age is a great age for Disney. Including 32.
Thanks, Angie! And welcome! (I don't know if I've blogged it recently, but my husband is from The Cowboy State and we try to get back there at least once a year.) I browsed your blog earlier, but plan to spend more time catching up next week!
Holy cow, Ellie's so grown up now!
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