Monday, November 17, 2008

Lia Keyes


On the chance that you have a Google Alert on your name and you see this, I wanted to tell you that:
a) You have a really cool website, so
b) Now I'm even more excited to read your book, and
c) You are a hard person to contact.

I've been trying to find you over at NaNoWriMo but have failed. I hope the writing is going well!

--Sarahlynn (from this summer's Gotham Writer's Workshop)


Unknown said...

Hahaha! You found me!

I'm delighted you liked the website. If you'd like to join my yahoo group set up for NaNoWriMo-ers give me an e-mail I can send an invite to.

There are 56 of us competing for a prize, and while you have to be a graduate of a particular workshop to be eligible we have let a few friends squeak in so they can be part of a NaNo community and take part in the daily word wars we schedule.

Good to hear from you!


Sarahlynn said...
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Sarahlynn said...

Lia, I'll probably delete this after a bit so that my email address isn't just hanging out here forever, but the account I'm using for NaNoWriMo is:


I'd love to join you all informally! I've been writing 2000 words per day, 6 days per week. Steady pace.

Unknown said...

Once you've joined, be sure to introduce yourself to the group so we know you're there and can cheer you on.
