2024 Starred Reviews!
🌟🌟2024 Starred Reviews🌟🌟for our Full Circle Literary books!
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year round.
6 days ago
Life, the universe, and motherhood according to me. I'm a feminist, a liberal, a Presbyterian, and mom to three amazing young children, one with Down syndrome. All that is reflected here, along with whatever I might be feeling at the moment (quite often, it will be exhaustion).
After spending $64 on turkey yesterday, I refuse to eat ham!!
I did see a bus advertisement yesterday that said
"Be kind to turkeys - go vegan."
Yeah, right, This is the time of year that I would choose to give up meat? Only if I could supplement with Carol's Bon Bon's!
Happy Thanksgiving. Give our best to the rest of the family.
I can't imagine being vegan. I'm not sure how worth living I'd find life if I was unable to eat the foods I enjoy. It's an sad truth that food plays an incredibly important part in my life, and not in a fighting-to-get-what-I-need-to-survive sort of way.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well. :)
Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you and your family had a wonderful day.
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