2024 Starred Reviews!
🌟🌟2024 Starred Reviews🌟🌟for our Full Circle Literary books!
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5 days ago
Life, the universe, and motherhood according to me. I'm a feminist, a liberal, a Presbyterian, and mom to three amazing young children, one with Down syndrome. All that is reflected here, along with whatever I might be feeling at the moment (quite often, it will be exhaustion).
I'll take the winter games for you! Swimming is soooo boring. Okay, it's fun to see a record broken, but they just swim from one end to the other over-and-over-and-over-and-over again.
At least with speed skating there is the risk of a bloody mess!
Which is not to say that we're not watching Olympics - we are. There is nothing else on, and I'm a sports junkie any time of the year!)
Ha! Cute picture! Does she do that to each pole she sees the way my girls do?????
My kids love gymnastics and ice skating on the t.v. and with you, better that than all the worst part of children's programming.
Rob, oh, I like the winter games! Perhaps I'm not quite as obsessed as I am with the summer games, but I do watch the winter games with great excitement.
I was just speculating that my girls would be more into the summer games since swimming and gymnastics are things they have a lot of personal experience with. : )
It's odd that I'm such an Olympics junkie, as I am largely uninterested in sports at other times.
Lynnie, yes! In fact, in this picture, Ellie and I were awaiting an orthotics fitting at the Orthotic and Prosthetic Lab. This is one of a set of waist-high (on an adult) parallel bars meant for assistive walking, presumably with a new prosthesis. Very common in PT clinics, etc. But for Ellie: bars!
Both girls like the swimming but only Kid L is interested in the gymnastics. (This surprised me)
NSBH ice skates so I know she will enjoy at least that portion of the winter games.
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