The girls and I all have piles of outfits nearly ready to go into suitcases. The dining room table is covered with other stuff to pack. I have run 7 errands already today. Paul arrives home from work at 5:30 and I take advantage of the opportunity to hand off the girls and look over all the outfits again before giving Paul the go-ahead to start packing.
We paused briefly for leftovers (clearing out that frig!) in the midst of our packing frenzy, but finally had all loaded into the minivan - with 5000 miles already, and not quite 3 months old! - by 9:45. PM. We dropped Lizzi off with friends and hit the road, sipping Starbucks.
Ada stopped crying by the time we hit Illinois, Ellie watched two movies ("Elmo" - Nemo - and "Nsters" - Monsters, Inc.) before falling asleep, and we arrived at my parents' house at 3:00 AM.
Wednesday, 13 June
By 1:30 PM, we were all freshly showered and waiting out on my parents' lawn with our luggage. The neighbors came outside with their cameras; we were quite a sight. We loaded into a small, chartered bus for the long trip to O'Hare (traffic).

Once at the airport, there was mayhem in the form of an enormous flight to Hyderabad and confusion in the form of desk agents who didn't know what to do with our party.
After security (liquids, pastes, & gels, oh my!) we had time to pop into the restrooms then board our plane. Good thing we left home so early! Navigating the airport with young children and no stroller is no fun. Also, Ellie does still fit in the sling and can sleep there!
My shoulders are a little sore.