Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Handsome Is as Handsome Does

I've had some problems with this pregnancy.  I've been sick and I've had complications and it's just not been easy.  But I am feeling better this week.  Still, every time I think I can finally relax and just enjoy the second trimester, something alarming comes up.  And yesterday I spent a couple hours in the doctor's office getting checked out.  (Everything is fine. But notice how obscure I'm being just to avoid saying "blood" or "bleeding." Oops, messed that one up.)

I left messages for Paul and my mom after my appointment and ultrasound yesterday, letting them know that I'm back to "taking it easy" (which means avoiding many fun things) but that the baby looks great and I check out OK, too.

My mom texted back asking if her grandson is adorable or handsome.  I think it's a little early to tell, but you be the judge.  (For the record, he's right on schedule for four months along at a grand total of 8 inches long and 8 ounces heavy. And he waves at the camera.)


Anonymous said...

You're pregnant? Sheesh, I don't check your blog for a month and look what happens!

(Yes, that's the sound of an anonymous blog commenter taking credit ...)

And just stay away from the phrase 'passing clots,' and you're okay.


Sarahlynn said...


I figured you stopped coming by because I haven't been writing about writing lately. Which is because . . . I haven't been writing lately. But now I've stopped throwing up constantly and have decided to put the rest of my fall to more productive use. Instead of National Novel Writing Month in November I'm going to spend the whole month EDITING. Then maybe I'll end up with something to actually submit rather than just a hard drive full of drafts of novels and stories that no one will ever see.

Anonymous said...

Not writing is, I believe, the fundamental behavior of writers.

I'm still shocked you're having a third kid. Do you actually _like_ being a parent? I love my son, but parenting is a nightmare.

His birthday is next month, and I'm stealing the balloon-popping idea. You just cram slips of paper inside while blowing the up?

Anonymous said...

Not writing is, I believe, the fundamental behavior of writers.

I'm still shocked you're having a third kid. Do you actually _like_ being a parent? I love my son, but parenting is a nightmare.

His birthday is next month, and I'm stealing the balloon-popping idea. You just cram slips of paper inside while blowing the up?

Sarahlynn said...

That's the kind of question I don't ponder too closely.

Lately, yes. I have really awesome kids and they're a lot of fun. Plus, they go to school some of the time. Absence, heart, etc. But starting all over with an infant terrifies me.

For the balloon birthday party thing (which was a big hit for all but the kids terrified of balloons) I stuffed pieces of paper into deflated balloons, then blew them up. My advice is not to use entire heavy stock notecards like I did; they were hard to shove into the balloons. Also, it's easier to write on the slips first. Live and learn.

Barrie said...

HUge congratulations! You'll love having a boy. I have 3 of them! He does look quite adorable!