I sound just like my 2-year-old, or she sounds just like me.
"Hey, baby! Hey, baby!" she says, with her head to my stomach.
"Hey, Baby, hey, Baby," I say, almost inaudibly, my arms wrapped around myself.
I am 13 weeks pregnant, due on January 10th. The new baby is doing well: the appropriate size for its age, growing at a nice rate, apparently all the necessary parts in place, steady heartbeat. And the typical number of chromosomes in its cells.
I am the sort of person who needs to know as much as possible, to be as prepared as possible, to control as many variables as possible. I am the sort of woman who believes in the appropriateness of available prenatal testing for those who, like me, need or want to know.
Now I know, just like I knew last time, but earlier and differently, though with the same result:
I'm still pregnant, I'm still scared, but I'm also excited. I can't imagine what it will be like this time. It's a whole new world. Two children!
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6 days ago
I can just imagine the 'Hey Baby, Hey Baby'....what a deliciously, delightful time the next 27 weeks will be as little one grows and grows deep inside you and you and E shares these special moments.
I am pro-choice...the thought of Eugenics scares me.
Knowing things can be a blessing....doesn't take away the fear of the unknown, but it helps you prepare in what ever why you need.
Two children is double the fun!!! Siblings makes for magical times, and you think that your heart could not possibly be filled with more love that it does right now...but it grows and grows and you love new little one with as much passion and devotion as your first.
I hope you have a healthy and peaceful pregnancy....and I can't wait to hear about little ones arrival into our world.
YAY!! I'm excited to be an uncle again!!
Hooray!!! Congratulations to all four of you!
Congratulations! How exciting! And Ellie is going to be an awesome big sister!!!
Thank you, Paper Whore, Angela, and CCW!
Ron, I am *SO* looking forward to Iowa next month! We had so much fun last year, and this year will be even better, I think. You are an awesome uncle.
Canada, you're right about Ellie! She is so excited. She spends a *lot* of time feeding and diapering her babies right now. And every time we see a baby, she has to go examine it, then she comes back and touches my tummy. It's incredible.
Tara Marie, so well said. Eugenics horrifies me too. It's something I have to balance, and part of why I feel such a strong responsibility to advocate for people with trisomy 21. Fear of the unknown is . . . far too often used as a reason to terminate a trisomy 21 pregnancy. And so I want to be part of making the unknown less scary.
I'm with you, too, on the sibling issue. I value my sisters so much, and can't wait to watch the relationship between my children grow. I am VERY EXCITED.
ROB! Rob. Not Ron. Pure typo. My apologies!
Mazel Tov! May all go well for you...
Sarah, congratulations! I'm so excited for you and your family. What an adventure for Ellie! (And the rest of you, of course.)
Tina, thank you! I'm doing well. The test results lifted a lot of my anxiety. What I have left now is totally normal - ohmigodimhavingababywhathaveidone jitters. Completely healthy. :)
THANK YOU, Kairos, Jess, Graymama, and Krupskaya!
Congratulations! What wonderful news! I know how much you wanted another baby. And so great to hear everything's going well so far. Keep it up! Yay!
Amy :)
Congratulations Sarahlynn! I am sure Ellie is going to love being a big sister.
I hope you have a peaceful 27 more weeks :)
Wow! and Yay!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for all of you! I hope the next few months are full of the joys of expectation. Ellie is going to be so good at the big sister thing. I can't wait to hear about that.
Congratulations to you, Ellie and Paul! That's great news, I'm so glad for you.
How exciting. My philosophy... 1 is 1, 2 is 10. It will not only double your work but also quadruple the joy! You do the math.
Yowza! Congratulations to you, the mister, and Ellie. Best wishes for a worry-free, normal, healthy pregnancy—I never had one o' those myself, but it sounds so luxurious! Jeeze, I don't even know you and I'm tearing up here.
I didn't get to give you my congratulations at our BBQ last week, since I never heard you say anything outloud, and you just don't ask. But I was pretty sure from your face at the party for A&K a couple of weeks ago (that pregnant "glow" that women get). In anycase, you have my prayers for a safe, happy, healthy pregnancy, birth, and baby! And congratulate the big-sister-to-be as well!
Thank you Amy and RNP!
Blue, that's what I'm most looking forward to, too. And, thank you!
Thanks, Thistle and Orange!
RhE, I've heard from several folks that going from 2->3 kids is even harder than going from 1->2 kids. I hope to discover that for myself someday. Through it all, the sibling relationship - unrivaled.
Thanks, Kristi! I wasn't talking about it at your BBQ, or at L&D's party for A&K, because we were still waiting for the test results. We seesawed back and forth about wanting to tell people before that and wanting to wait until we had a clearer picture of what we were dealing with. So, some people knew, but not everybody. I'm glad that's over now. :)
Wonderful news--from Anne, blogging in Panera bread with infant in carseat asleep (?) and beloved toddler with babysitter.
Wendi of Happy Booker told me that a second child is like the wind chill factor: sounds like two, feels like five....
It's great and very do-able. You'll rock. Sit back and enjoy. And invest in more videos.... : )
I am so, so very happy for you! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to hear all about Ellie's promotion to Big Sister!
Thanks, Selzach and Mustang Sally!
Anne, I love that wind chill analogy.
Congrats yourself, Seasonalkat! I wish you were blogging your experiences!
Congratulations, Sarahlynn!
Having a second was the scariest thing I ever did after having a special-needs kid for our first, but giving her a sibling turned out to be the best decision we ever made. Will completed our family and gave Rachel the opportunity to develop one of the most important relationships of her life. I hope Baby #2 brings your family all the joy in the world. Best wishes for a healthy, comfortable pregnancy and delivery!
Many overdue congratulations! And coincidentally, my wish is that you not be overdue.
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