Today at school Ellie was . . . much like she's been at home for the last couple of days.
"Ellie was . . . I don't know how to describe how Ellie was today. Chatty! But mostly she just said, 'no!'" said Ellie's teacher when I stopped by to pick up Ellie from preschool.
"She went poo poo in the potty, but then she stood up, looked right at me, and reached her hand into the toilet! Later, when I was changing her diaper, I had to use the safety strap on the table because she just wouldn't lie still. Then she crashed and wouldn't even wake up for lunch until just a few minutes ago."
We're now in the stage of the antibiotics process when she will no longer tell me when she needs to go to the potty, or when she's gone in her diaper, because the cleaning up hurts so much. But the not-cleaning-up makes the problem much worse. So there are many tears. 3 more days of this . . . and lots of yogurt: yogurt in her oatmeal, yogurt in her dinnertime milk, yogurt for an afternoon snack . . .
We see her doctor again tomorrow, though. I'm going to ask her if it's possible that this hyperactivity and rough behavior is a symptom of the medication, or even of her illness itself.
Maybe she'll also be able to tell me why Ellie sometimes holds her arm to her chest and cries, "Arm! Arm!" like she's in terrible pain. Nursemaid's elbow? But no, she's inconsolable for a while, and then she forgets all about it in half an hour and uses both arms normally again. Odd.
It's shocking how quickly I've become accustomed to my walking, talking little Ellie. It's inconceivable that I wondered when she'd begin to talk. It's impossible that a mere 7 months ago I wondered if she'd ever be walking around the house or to and from the car independently. Amazing.
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3 days ago
If she gets absolutely sick of yogurt, you can buy granulated lactobacillus OTC at a pharmacy. They have to keep it in a fridge behind the counter, but it doesn't require a prescription. The granules are smaller than Nerds / Pop Rocks; just sprinkle them in applesauce or whatever you can get down her. Heck, sprinkle them in the yogurt for a double-dose of good-GI-bacteria goodness!
Oh, poor Ellie! It's so hard to change diapers when it hurts. I hope that she feels better soon!
SeasonalKat, thank you! You offer hope.
Camera Obscura, thanks for the tip! Ellie's taking a daily chewable acidophilus tablet, but you can't have too much good GI health when dealing with strong antibiotics.
CCW, me too! It was so sad last night when she kept sitting down then popping up crying because it hurt so badly. Religious (fanatical) application of Desitin today helped a little.
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