I thought this was a good, balanced article.
Down syndrome is focus of new blood test for pregnant women
The test (from a competing company) was supposed to be ready before I became pregnant with Teddy but was delayed. I understand and sympathize with the concerns many have about the non-invasive diagnostic test but am glad it's available, would have used it with my last two pregnancies (I had the far more painful, dangerous, and scary CVS instead) and would definitely use it if I became pregnant again. With my first pregnancy, I had amniocentesis.
Choosing to have Ellie was one of the most intense and defining moments of my life. In that moment - though I had already been pregnant and excited and preparing for months - in that moment I became a parent. I became an adult. Being Ellie's mom fills me with intense joy and devastating pain.
Similar states, of course, are common when loving and parenting any other child.
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1 week ago
"Intense joy and devastating pain."
Very eloquently said.
I thought of you when I was in the OB's office recently and she offered me this test. I know I should've been prepared for it, but I just couldn't fathom what I'd do if I knew...definitely wouldn't terminate the pregnancy but would I spend the next few months in anxiety? I don't know.
I understand wanting to know so you can prepare, though. Is that why you wanted to find out? No need to answer if it is sensitive or a private matter, I totally understand.
Oh, parenthood. Not for the weak of heart. :)
Thank you, Maya.
Unknown, yes, that exactly. I really needed the time to accept, prepare, research, and mourn before my first daughter was born. It was so hard to know only the diagnoses with no baby to hold in my arms. But on the other hand, once she was born she was beautiful and perfect and lovely to me. I was smitten immediately and my first weeks with her were not tinged by frightening discovery but rather by bliss.
For me, knowing was better than not knowing. But I understand that it's not so for everyone. :)
I totally agree. :)
I am "enjoying" my second pregnancy, which in terms of anxiety is easier than the first but for some reason still anxious. Will the baby be born with all ten fingers and toes? And if not, can I handle that?
The reality is that kids of all types are difficult in their own way, wonderful in their own way...both a challenge and sweet adventure.
I guess it's up to us as parents to accept them as they are, love them unconditionally, and do our best to see that they grow into happy, healthy adults.
I hear you!
And I really thought I'd be able to just relax and enjoy pregnancy #3. Well, maybe once I've got the genetic testing done. OK, how about after I'm doing being so sick? No? After this odd second trimester bleeding problem resolves? Holy cow, preeclampsia for real?
I'm always with the anxiety, before birth and afterwards, it seems.
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