I don't think I've ever posted Ellie's birth story; I'll do that later this week. It was a fantastic labor and delivery experience, all things considered. As Paul and I were studying recently, in preparation for our second experience with childbirth, we read about the emotional signposts of labor. The first one is supposed to be "elation." We joke that, for me, the first signpost was "denial," and it was pretty strong. In retrospect, it's pretty humorous that 4 hours after my water broke, when I was laboring hard enough that I was really uncomfortable and wanted to be home in bed, I called my parents from the car on the way home from Borders and told them that I was in "false labor" and would definitely be having the baby the following weekend - a full week away.
It was a Friday, and I'd spent the entire day at work. I'd had a meeting way down the hall from my office that morning, and I remember running back and forth (literally running!) with huge stacks of textbooks that I was using as samples. When my water broke - still at work, later that evening after my colleagues had gone home - I just convinced myself that I'd wet myself. I cleaned up and finished what I was working on before packing up my computer and some projects to work on over the weekend and heading home.
This time I hope denial doesn't last quite as long; I hear that labors often go more quickly the second time around.
So, I'm not in labor yet (I hope!) but I think I'm doing everything I can to try to start early. I'm 36 weeks along, so it's not a disaster if I do go into labor, though I'd rather not do so yet.
Sunday we hosted an open house. There was a lot of prep work: cleaning, decorating, baking, and then we had a house full of people all afternoon. I loved it. I was also exhausted afterward. And then I worked more than 13 hours yesterday, barely pausing for meals. This morning I've already taken Ellie to school and had a visit from the door installer (they gouged the floor in the master bathroom when they installed my beautiful new doors last week). I'm headed off to a prenatal appointment in a few minutes, then to pick up Ellie from school, and, after lunch, I'm going into work to give a presentation to our new - and notoriously critical - vice president. My boss suggested that I wear my protective armor. So that should be fun.
Anyway, here's hoping that the pace slows down a bit later this week. I think I'm supposed to be "taking it easy" at this point, right?
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3 weeks ago
Boy I remember those days of waiting. Here is one thing I learned. Don't take any ibuprophen at all! It is an anti-prostiglandin and inhibits labor. I was taking huge doses with my fourth and fifth babies because of back problems and had to be induced. Last baby I didn't take any and had a two hour natural labor (darned near had her in the car!)
Good luck!!
If you really want to start labor early, my Mom (mother of 5 and a neonatal nurse of 20something years) swears by Mexican food and a long walk. In the case of Charlotte, I think it was a combination of being asked to "go on maternity leave early", followed by a baby shower (and all of my sisters staying at my house), plus a LOT of Merl's yummy homemade salsa (I think its the cilantro...too much of that gives me tummy trouble even when I'm *not* pregnant).
Or, better yet, try to think about anything *but* labor so if it takes another 5 weeks before the little one decides to appear, you won't be too annoyed by the wait.
BTW, sorry we missed your party on Sunday. By the time Charlotte was up from her nap, we wouldn't have had enough time to drive to your place before you kicked us out. I'm glad to hear you had fun!!!
Jan, thanks for the tip!
Kristi, just to clarify - I have no desire to go into labor early! I would vastly prefer to carry this baby to term. I can't say that strongly enough!
We missed you all on Sunday. Let me know if you'd like a CD/party favor. :)
Thinking about you all. :)
I love Ellie's birth story... Especially the version above that doesn't include the fact that I slept through the night while you were laboring at home, pacing back and forth from the bed to the bathroom for 12 hours; and the fact that I wanted to just wait for your 12:00 doctor's appointment on Saturday, when it turns out Ellie would be born around 9:30. Though those parts of the story certainly add some entertainment!
I think my role will be different this time.
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