2024 Starred Reviews!
🌟🌟2024 Starred Reviews🌟🌟for our Full Circle Literary books!
Congratulations to our amazing creators that empower and bring book joy
year round.
1 week ago
Life, the universe, and motherhood according to me. I'm a feminist, a liberal, a Presbyterian, and mom to three amazing young children, one with Down syndrome. All that is reflected here, along with whatever I might be feeling at the moment (quite often, it will be exhaustion).
A blogger friend of mine just loaded HaloScan comments. Less spam-prone, but on the down side, the comments aren't saved in perpetuity. If you don't mind commentless archives, it could be the way to go.
I've been getting way more spamments than you lately. The only plus is that for every spamment that gets left, it appears that many more spambots pass through the blog. My overseas readership numbers are way up!
I just got hit with like...6 last night. I can't stand it.
I think Blogger now has an option to require commenters to do word confirmation. That might help.
Bingo! Thank you, Psycho Kitty!
I added the word confirmation thing myself and it works like a charm!
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