Wow. I just looked through this blog for the first time in a very long time, and yikes. I feel like I've been the same forever, but I haven't. I have grown in many ways. Please know, all who read here, that 2020 Sarahlynn is a little horrified by some of what 2005-2011 Sarahlynn thought and wrote. (For example, I didn't recognize a White Savior story when I saw one and didn't understand the problems with Christians hosting Seders, among other issues.) But writing this blog for so long was an important part of my growth both as a person and as a writer. I'm glad to have this record of a particular time in my life--the time when I was having and parenting babies--and for now, I'll leave my messiness out in public.
New Release Spotlight: Kathy Escobar
Happy release day to author Kathy Escobar! If you’re ready for a
different kind of Lenten reading, this is it. The time has never been so
right for dig...
1 week ago